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You will find a variety of worship opportunities at St. Christopher. From the quiet, centering Rite I service in Old English (traditional) language; to the lively Contemporary Eucharist; to the Rite II Eucharist (Contemporary language with traditional hymns);

there is something for everyone at St. Christopher. 


All Sunday services are rooted in the liturgy for The Holy Eucharist, and consist of two parts.

Liturgy of the Word - The first part of the service is where we recognize who God is and why we have gathered for worship, collect our thoughts, hear the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus proclaimed, reflect on the Word of God through the sermon, speak as a united voice and confirm what we believe, offer specific intercessory prayers and petitions, reconcile with God, and reconcile with each other. All of this is done to prepare our hearts to receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion. 

Liturgy of the Sacrament - The second part of the service, also known as Holy Communion, is where we offer the gifts of bread, wine, and alms to God, remember Christ's sacrifice of himself on the cross for the sins of the whole world, ask the Holy Spirit to make Christ present in the bread and wine, and receive the spiritual food that nourishes our souls and sustains us daily. 

Sanctuary, cross, pendant lighting, episcopal


10:00 a.m. Weekday Eucharist 


8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II* 

10:30 a.m. Contemporary*


*In person & online


We are a community dedicated to worshiping and loving God. We pray together, serve our community, empower each other's ministry, and worship God.  We invite you to pray about how you can be blessed by this community of faith, and how can you can be a blessing to others.


If you or another parishioner you know needs pastoral care, please call 281-332-5553 x 305. Confidential support will be arranged.  You may also speak with any of the Lay Pastoral Assistants on Sundays who can be identified by their blue badges.


Parish Office: 281-332-5553

Office Fax: 281-332-5554

MDO Office: 281-554-8602

2508 St. Christopher Avenue

League City, TX 77573

Thrift Shop: 281-554-7314

419 E Galveston Street

League City, TX 77573

Hours: T-F 10am-1pm;

Sat 10am-4pm

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© 2023 St. Christopher Episcopal Church

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