St. Christopher Family,Tomorrow begins our new temporary way of worship. Please join us live from St. Christopher at 10:00 a.m. for Holy Eucharist Rite II with music, children’s sermon, and regular sermon. It will be a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary music. In addition, we will be adopting some traditions of St. Augustine of Hippo in Galveston, with whom we partner in worship during this time. You can also find a simple worship bulletin that will be linked to our website. All the links can be found below.We invite everyone, who is willing and able, to please maintain your giving to the church. Your generosity and stewardship allow us to continue our collective ministry and worship, and support the needs of the community.Live Worship –Youtube or www.stchrischurch.orgService Bulletin - Worship Service Bulletin 3/22/20Giving -Online or send a check to:St. Christopher Episcopal Church, 2508 St. Christopher Avenue, League City, Texas, 77573Fr. Jim, Fr. Mike, Austin, Julie, Dennis, and I look forward to worshipping with you live tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Please join us on-line!Faithfully,Fr. Brian+