[Jesus said,] “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
John 14:12

Helping those in need is at the heart of our understanding of the Gospel as we reach out to the larger community of the city, the nation, and the world.
St. Christopher Outreach Collaborative is a working group and coordinating circle of leadership which drives the many services and missions of the Parish in the community—
local, domestic, and international.
• St. Christopher Thrift Shop, 60-years strong, the thrift shop is a community-oriented, faith-based resale shop which annually grants funds to non- profit agencies in our community and abroad. Volunteers are needed to sort, price, and sell items. 419 E. Galveston, League City, TX 77573
•Food Pantry A general food pantry ministry enabling the Parish to respond to multiple locations of area food insecurities, including Little Food Pantry and ICM Food Pantry.
• Bottle Pax Bring hope to the homeless by providing water, socks, crackers, lip balm, and a message of faith, along with a kind gesture, smile, and affirmation that that these persons are `seen’ as Children of God.
• St. Christopher Bay Area Art & Soul (St. Christopher Art Studio) BAAS is dedicated to using the power of art in advancing healing and spiritual wellness across cultural and religious borders, offering artful responses to communities in need. Periodic retreats, special events.
• St. Christopher Community Health Collaborative CHCC is a discussion group consisting of parishioners with health care and ancillary medicine experiences. This visionary and long-range planning group meets towards bringing diverse community clinics and referral services on site, working in partnership with health care professionals locally and in the metroplex.
• UpWELL Advocates for Community-Wide Health and Wholeness a subgroup of CHCC (above), this roundtable groups meets to identify and respond to unmet needs concerning wholeness and healing within our Parish Family and in educational, practical, and relational events for our neighbors.
• Communities in Schools—Bay Area Benefitting League City Elementary, Community in Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and make achievements in life. The Parish is in partnership agreement with CIS/LCE, and through drives and donations, provides food, school supplies, clothing, Christmas gifts, and other items upon request.
• Clear Creek High School (CCISD) Partnership St. Christopher is an invited member of the Clear Creek ISD Interfaith Collaborative, through which the Parish is in partnership with Clear Creek High School’s PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Services). The mission of this partnership is to provide health and wellness support to counselors, students, and faculty of the high school.
• Little Free Pantry The nation-wide mini pantry movement activates neighborly engagement with food insecurity and is a grassroots crowdsourced solution to immediate and local need. Through a streetside box located on St.Christopher property and constructed by the Boy Scouts, the Parish hosts and stocks a Little Free Pantry and provides a space for neighbors to leave food for others.
• Interfaith Caring Ministries (ICM)—Bay Area ICM provides financial and food assistance that allows people in crisis to apply their resources to stabilize their families. The Parish is a supporting House of Worship, and through donations and drives, provides a wide range of items to persons and families in need.
• Anchor Point Family Network Anchor Point champions the future of children by educating and empowering parents because no one is beyond hope. Through periodic donation drives, the Parish supports programs assisting newborns, families, and parents in need.
• Kairos Prison Ministry The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. This ministry is taking root through member interest and involves attendance at training and onsite service with the incarcerated in the Huntsville area, as well as periodic cookie drives and prayer vigils at the Parish.

St. Christopher Little Food Pantry
The Hungry are MANY! Supplies are LOW.
Little Free Pantries are a resource to receive from and a place to give. It’s food by neighbors for neighbors. Anyone in our community may support this ministry by donating non perishable food items. Mac & cheese, soups, instant mashed potatoes, canned meats/tuna, pasta and sauce, and cereal go especially fast!
Click here to see a fuller list of shopping suggestions. You may donate by placing in the collection container near the Welcome Center, dropping off at the Parish Office or filling the curbside box as you are able. The box is open 24/7. Food only; no dry goods.