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In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

Proverbs 16:9

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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Prepare for the long fast with a wonderful feast! St. Christopher will observe the last day before Lent with our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. All ages are invited to Buckner Hall on March 4th, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. to enjoy music, friends, and plenty of pancakes.

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the evening before Ash Wednesday. The word comes from “shrive,” meaning to repent or make sacrifice. In medieval times, meat, fats, eggs, milk and fish were restricted during Lent and to keep such items from being wasted, Shrove Tuesday became a time to consume any of these items so they wouldn’t spoil. 

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Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday, March 5th, Lent begins, and with it a day of quiet and reflection. Join us on Ash Wednesday for the Imposition of Ashes, a solemn service to mark the beginning of our season of looking through our lives, preparing for the new life of Easter.


Ash Wednesday Services

7:00AM (Ashes only)

12:15PM (Ashes only)

6:30PM (Holy Communion with Ashes)

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MAR 12, 19, 26
APR 2, 9

Lenten Soup Supper Series

Lenten Soup Suppers return on Wednesday, March 12th. We will begin with Stations of the Cross at 6:00p.m. in the sanctuary, followed by dinner and program starting at 6:30p.m. in Buckner Hall. Everyone is invited to bring a soup and/or salad to share. This year, our program will involve an exploration of the spiritual disciplines of The Church that guide us to a deeper joyful connection and relationship with God. Join us!

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Grief Share

GriefShare to begin Monday, March 24th from 10:00am-11:30am in the Formation Center. The group size is limited to 12. If you would like to participate, please contact Fr. Brian through the church office. 

"A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way."

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MARCH 13, 20, 27

The Beauty Way:

Finding Peace on a Path

Through Lent


Thursday, March 13, 20, 27 & April 3

Mother Viktoria+ and Nancy Crouch announce “Open Art Studio” hours, 4pm-5:15pm, four Thursdays in Lent. 
You are invited to bring your own/any art project as a location for creativity parallel to casual, guided conversation centering on a four-fold set of readings. Each Thursday, an invitational question will engage Christian formation through the shared gifts of contemporary Navajo-Christian spirituality.* The Studio (Classroom 4) will be our “hogan,” or sacred artistic space for engaging the Holy Spirit, prayerful connections, and Christ’s love.   

Your project/s must be portable. If you need supplies for a project [one medium, please], let us know and we will provide your supplies as inventory allows. These will be yours. We will not provide workstation setup during this Lenten offering. Coffee and tea will be available. Snacks on a volunteer basis.   Each date is capped at 16 artists. You will be contacted, in order of registration, if waitlisted.

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NOV 1, 2

Platinum Jubliee

Celebration of Faith & Service


St. Christopher’s has been a visible sign of God’s Presence in League City for 70 years. We think that is worth celebrating, so 2025 is our year of JUBILEE. Look for exciting things to come in 2025!


JAN 5                      Adult Christian Education - Navajo "Winter Stories" 

JAN 11                    Spiritual Gifts Workshop

FEB 7-8                  Diocesan Council

MAR 4                    Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

MAR 5                    Ash Wednesday

MAR 12                 Lenten Soup Supper Series Begins -  Wednesdays in Lent

MAR 24                 Grief Share Begins - Monday Mornings

APR 12                  Church Work Day

APR 13                  Palm Sunday

APR 17                  Maundy Thursday

APR 20                  Easter Sunday

NOV 1-2                Platinum Jubilee (70 years 1955-2025)

To view our full calendar, please click here.  

Our Calendar is changing very quickly during this time. If you are concerned about a particular event, please contact the facilitator of the group or the church office at (281) 332-5553. For information regarding our worship schedule during this time, visit . 

If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please contact the Parish Administrator.


We are a community dedicated to worshiping and loving God. We pray together, serve our community, empower each other's ministry, and worship God.  We invite you to pray about how you can be blessed by this community of faith, and how can you can be a blessing to others.


If you or another parishioner you know needs pastoral care, please call 281-332-5553 x 305. Confidential support will be arranged.  You may also speak with any of the Lay Pastoral Assistants on Sundays who can be identified by their blue badges.


Parish Office: 281-332-5553

Office Fax: 281-332-5554

MDO Office: 281-554-8602

2508 St. Christopher Avenue

League City, TX 77573

Thrift Shop: 281-554-7314

419 E Galveston Street

League City, TX 77573

Hours: T-F 10am-1pm;

Sat 10am-4pm

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© 2023 St. Christopher Episcopal Church

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